Mrs Lisa Howes
Class Teacher
Miss Rhiannon Wright
Class Teacher
Miss Natalie Walters
Teaching Assistant
Miss Donna St.Vall
Teaching Assistant
Miss Laura Cooper
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Class 1, we are a mixed Reception and Year 1 class. We encourage and foster a love of learning by creating stimulating environments and planning exciting activities. We aim to inspire and encourage children to become responsible and independent learners. We listen to the children in Class 1, about what they would like to learn, therefore the children have real ownership of their learning.
Reception children
We will be learning Set 1 sounds through our Read, Write, Inc Phonics programme. We will start with the Set 1 sounds which will enable them to quickly build confidence to read words and recognise sounds. We will invite you to a reading workshop in the next few weeks. We will send more information on this.
In addition to writing within our Read, Write Inc Programme, we will be exploring the foundations for fine and gross motor skills to support writing skills. We will be looking at making the following marks over the next term.
- Unit 1 Dots
- Unit 2 Straight lines and crosses
- Unit 3 Circles
- Unit 4 Waves
- Unit 5 Loops and bridges
- Unit 6 Joined straight lines
- Unit 7 Angled patterns
- Unit 8 Eights
- Unit 9 Spirals
- Unit 10 Left to right orientation
We will be exploring numbers, focusing on early numbers by counting and recognising numerals and amounts. We will also be exploring matching and sorting, representing numerals and quantities, and learning how to subitise carefully. We will start to look at 2D shapes and how they are different/similar.
Creating with Materials
We will be exploring colour and experimenting safely with appropriate tools and media to construct portraits and pictures.
Being imaginative and Expressive
We will learn songs across the school during our music assemblies. In Autumn 2 we will be learning how to perform songs with perform songs with style and rhythm from memory by identifying simple song structure. We will be creating a performance with an accompaniment and actions.
Understanding the World
We are learning all about the human body and our senses. We will also be exploring Autumn as a season and exploring animals and their differences.
People and Communities
We are exploring all about me. We will be learning to understand how and why we are special and where we belong in our community. We will explore different beliefs, and recognise that people celebrate special occasion in different ways.
Physical Development
This term we are focusing on learning how to change our clothes to become increasingly independent in dressing. We will be exploring ‘Gym in the Jungle’ and ‘Dance Dinosaurs’. W will also be enjoying some pen disco, allowing us to be confident mark makers.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Me and My Relationships
We will be exploring all about me, what makes us special and who is special to us. We will also be learning about classroom routines and understanding and expressing feelings.
Valuing Differences
We will be looking at how everyone is special and unique. We will be exploring differences within individuals and families, and how to be a good friend.
Help your child prepare for their project
Below is a list of books you may like to read if you visit the local library or read them online.
- Whiffy Wilson: The Wolf who wouldn't go to school by Caryl Hart
- First Day at Bug School by Sam Lloyd
- If I Built a School by Chris Van Dusen
- Miss Molly’s School of Manners by James Maclaine
- Going to School: Comparing Past and Present by Rebecca Rissman
- Going to School by Rose Blake
- Topsy and Tim: Start School by Jean and Gareth Adamson
Alongside guided activities, we spend time learning through play and exploration of the indoor and outdoor environment. We choose our provision based on the needs of the children in the moment of their learning to enhance skills and prior knowledge.
Year 1 children
English and SPaG
During this term, we will be continuing our Read, Write Inc Programme. In English, our first half term will be looking in depth at understanding the grammar word classes and punctuation that are instrumental in creating effective sentences. This new initiative will be threaded throughout all our year groups at Mawgan in Pydar, so that the skills required to write effectively become second nature to the children. In Autumn 2 we will be continuing to use a Talk for Writing approach to our learning, practising the skills needed to become an independent and successful writer.
We are focusing on the correct letter formation to encourage children to be able to write fluently. During the Autumn term we will be focusing on sitting our writing on the lines and making sure our sentences have the correct punctuation.
Year 1: Handwriting units this term
- Unit 1 Practising long-legged giraffe letters
- Unit 2 Writing words with ll
- Unit 3 Introducing capitals for long-legged giraffe letters
- Unit 4 Practising one armed robot letters
- Unit 5 Practising long-legged giraffe letters and one-armed robot letters
- Unit 6 Introducing capitals for one-armed robot letters
- Unit 7 Practising curly caterpillar letters
- Unit 8 Writing words with double ff
- Unit 9 Writing words with double ss
- Unit 10 Introducing capitals for curly caterpillar letters.
In Mathematics we are focusing on place value within 10, addition and subtraction within 10 and shape.
Our unit this term is called ‘Humans, including Animals.’ We are focusing on identifying and naming parts of the human body and learning about the five senses. We will also identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores and use our observations to suggest answers to questions. Next term will we explore ‘Seasonal Changes’.
Art and Design & Design Technology
This term we are exploring ‘Playful making’, exploring and creating in Art, and ‘Changing toys’ designing and making in Design Technology.
We will learn songs across the school during our music assemblies to perform at our local Harvest Festival. In Autumn 2 we will be learning how to perform songs with perform songs with style and rhythm from memory by identifying simple song structure. We will be creating a performance with an accompaniment and actions.
History and Geography
This term, we’ll learn about our school grounds and how they support plant life as well as how toys have changed over time.
This term we are learning about technology all around us, digital painting (using a computer to save and retrieve work) and internet safety.
This term we are exploring the question ‘who is Muslim and how do they live part 1?’ We will attend our local Harvest festival service and recognise that Harvest Festival is a time for Christians to say ‘Thank You’ to God. During Autumn 2, we will also explore why Christmas is important to Christians.
This half term we are focusing on multi skills, body parts and their functions and bootcamp activities (exploring circuit activities). In Autumn 2 we will explore story time dance, healthy minds, emotions and goals and mighty movers (improving fitness).
Our SCARF theme this term is Me and My Relationships exploring all about me, classroom routines, understanding and expressing feelings and valuing differences.
Click on the Tapestry logo below to access the website and log in.
Our class toy is Elmer the elephant. Each Friday, he will be taken home by a different child in the class. Please take Elmer on your adventures over the weekend and record what you do. It would be great if you could add pictures/videos and a write up onto Tapestry so your child can share their weekend news with the rest of the class. This activity helps develop children’s speaking and listening skills.
Please can you hear your child read every day and share books on a regular basis to enhance their learning. We ask that you write in your child's reading record every time they read. It is an effective form of communication. From your notes we will be able to help and advise, as well as celebrate your child's reading achievements.