
Class 1

Mrs Lisa Howes

Class Teacher

Miss April Blewett

Class Teacher

Miss Natalie Walters

Teaching Assistant

Miss Donna St.Vall

Teaching Assistant

Miss Laura Cooper

Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Class 1, we are a mixed Reception and Year 1 class. We encourage and foster a love of learning by creating stimulating environments and planning exciting activities. We aim to inspire and encourage children to become responsible and independent learners. We listen to the children in Class 1, about what they would like to learn, therefore the children have real ownership of their learning. 
Key timings: 
PE - Thursday afternoon- all children please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit and it is all clearly labelled.   
Spellings this year will take a slightly different approach: All spellings will be investigated and practised in school time
Homework - Please read with your child everyday with yur child and record this in their reading records. 
For the Reception children in Class 1, we follow the Statutory Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This document is laid out in the Development Matters. The links below will take you directly to both documents, which are provided here for you to read.
We hope that you find the information useful on our class page, but please come and see a member of the Class 1 team if you have any questions or queries. 

Reception children  


We will continue with our RWInc programme. In our literacy sessions, we will be focusing on writing captions and words throughout finger fit activities, incorporating fine motor skills and applying our learnt sounds into our writing. We will also be continuing with Pen Disco mark marking to promote strong handwriting skills. We will also be focusing on developing language and vocabulary by asking how and why questions, listening to stories and retelling them by remembering key points, and asking questions to clarify understanding.



In addition to writing within our Read, Write Inc Programme, we will be exploring the foundations for fine and gross motor skills to support writing skills. We will be looking at making the following marks over the next term.

  •         Unit 13 Introducing long legged letters: l
  •         Unit 14 Practising ling legged letter: l and j
  •         Unit 15: Practising long legged giraffe letters: u, t.
  •         Unit 16: Practising long legged giraffe letters: j, y.
  •         Unit 17: Practising long legged giraffe letters: l, i, u, t, j, y
  •         Unit 18: Introducing one-armed robot letters: r.



We will be exploring numbers, focusing on early numbers by counting and recognising numerals and amounts. We will also be exploring matching and sorting, representing numerals and quantities, and learning how to subitise carefully. We will start to look at 2D shapes and how they are different/similar.





Creating with Materials   

We will be exploring colour and experimenting safely with appropriate tools and media to construct. By focusing on previous learning, we will be practicing and applying skills to make crafts for a specific purpose as well as exploring how to change colours by adding other colours.


Being imaginative and Expressive   

We will learn songs across the school during our music assemblies. Spring 1 we will be listening and imitating bird song developing singing skills and learning shake my sillies out. We will focus on nursery rhymes to develop mathematical understanding such as, five little monkeys, five little ducks, ten in a bed, the green bottles, the grand Old Duke of York and more.  In Spring 2, we will explore the units up and down and five fine bumblebees, listen attentively and expressing feelings and feeling with movement.


Understanding the World  

This term we are learning all about plants. We will explore the different plants in our local area, describe what a plant needs to grow and talk about ways in which we can look after the environment. Through an active computing scheme, we start to explore instructions and algorithms through looking at building boats and exploring a springtime unit as well as talking about online safety.


People and Communities   

We are exploring what times/stories are special to individuals and why? During Spring 2, We will explore the meaning of Easter and identify why Christians put a cross in an Easter Garden.


Physical Development  

This term we will learn lots of different things to do with a ball. We will practise and develop skills which include controlling a ball, rolling and throwing a ball, bouncing a ball, kicking a ball, catching a ball and striking a ball. The children will develop individual skills, as well as learn how to play a few simple games and become part of a team.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development  

Our SCARF themes this term are Keeping Myself Safe and Rights and Responsibilities.  We will talk about how to keep our bodies healthy and safe. We will explore age-appropriate ways to stay safe online and name adults in our lives and those in our community who can help keep us safe.

Alongside guided activities, we spend time learning through play and exploration of the indoor and outdoor environment. We choose our provision based on the needs of the children in the moment of their learning to enhance skills and prior knowledge.


Year 1 children

English and SPaG

This term we will be continuing with our Read, Write Inc Programme to support reading fluency and comprehension. In English, we will be using the Talk for Writing approach to our learning, practising the skills needed to become an independent and successful writer. During this term, we will be focusing on using ‘and’ to join ideas within a sentence. We will also begin to use other punctuation such as exclamation and question marks.



We are focusing on the correct letter formation to encourage children to be able to write confidently and fluently.

Year 1 Handwriting units this term:

  •         Unit 7 Practising curly caterpillar letters
  •         Unit 8 Writing words with double ff
  •         Unit 9 Writing words with double ss
  •         Unit 10 Introducing capitals for curly caterpillar letters.
  •         Unit 11 Practising long-legged giraffe letters, one-armed robot letters and curly caterpillar letters.
  •         Unit 12 Practising zig-zag monster letters.
  •         Unit 13: Writing words with double zz.
  •         Unit 14: Mixing all the letter families.
  •         Unit 15: Practising all the capital letters.
  •         Unit 16: Practising all the numbers 0-9.
  •         Unit 17: Writing words with ck and qu.
  •         Unit 18: Practising long vowel phonemes ai; igh; oo.



In Mathematics we are focusing on place value and addition and subtraction within 20. During this term, we will also explore length, height, mass and volume.


Science: This term we will identify, name and describe a variety of different plants. The children will explore plants in our local environment, identify and group a variety of plants and observe the growth of flowers and vegetables that they have planted.


Art and Design & Design Technology:

This half term we are exploring Spirals. We will use different parts of our bodies to create drawings and record them in our sketchbooks. During Spring 2 we will understand where food comes from, and the children will design and make bread.


Music: This half term the children will echo singing, compose word patterns and play a percussion ostinato. During Spring 2 we will listen actively to music inspired by the sea, join in singing games and use classroom percussion. 


History and Geography:

In this history unit, the children will discover what London was like in 1666 and what happened during the Great Fire of London. They will make simple comparisons between then and the present day. The children will be introduced to key historical individuals and will consider how we find out about the past. In Geography we will understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country.



This term we are learning about technology all around us, digital painting (using a computer to save and retrieve work) and internet safety. We will follow instructions, give commands and plan a simple program.



This half term, we are focusing on ‘Who is Muslim and how do they live (part two)?’ In this unit, pupils will find out about Islam, key beliefs and ways of living for Muslims. During Spring 2, we will explore the question ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’ The children will gain and insight into how Christians show their beliefs during Easter worship.



In PE this half term, we will explore groovy gymnastics. We will learn different gymnastic actions and shapes and practise linking them together with flow. During the next half term, our focus is brilliant ball skills. We will practise basic sending and receiving techniques and apply these skills during game-based activities. 



Our SCARF theme this term are Keeping Myself Safe and Rights and Respect.  We will learn about the importance of keeping our bodies safe and demonstrate respect and responsibility for looking after someone or something. During the term, these themes will be revisited through our assemblies and class discussions.


If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of the Class one team.

At Mawgan-in-Pydar School, we use a system called Tapesty, an online system to record and share your child’s learning and fun throughout the foundation year.  You can download the application on your smart phone and tablet or use the computer and we will email you when a new page is added to your child’s learning journey, which you can view and comment on.
We love hearing about the stories and wonderful things you do at home, so please make your own observations and add your photos and videos. This is helpful for us in Class 1 to see the learning continue at home, so many thanks in advance.

Click on the Tapestry logo below to access the website and log in. 

At Mawgan-in-Pydar School, we follow the systematic approach to phonics called Read, Write Inc. This is the way that your child will learn how to read and write.
It starts with learning bouncy and stretchy sounds that will build up the ability to break down words into sounds to read and blend them back together to spell. We have special actions that we add with the sounds to make learning enjoyable. 
It is always helpful to practice what we are learning at school, but if you feel you are a little unsure on how to pronounce the sounds here is a clip from the RWInc site which will help you.

Our class toy is Elmer the elephant. Each Friday, he will be taken home by a different child in the class. Please take Elmer on your adventures over the weekend and record what you do. It would be great if you could add pictures/videos and a write up onto Tapestry so your child can share their weekend news with the rest of the class. This activity helps develop children’s speaking and listening skills.

In our Early Years classroom at Mawgan-In-Pydar, we are using a play-based toolkit to assess and support effective language skills. As children develop speaking and listening skills, they are building a strong and stable foundation for literacy and learning.
Please take a look at the Wellcomm site for more information and videos.

Please can you hear your child read every day and share books on a regular basis to enhance their learning. We ask that you write in your child's reading record every time they read. It is an effective form of communication. From your notes we will be able to help and advise, as well as celebrate your child's reading achievements. 

Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
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