Mrs Christie Ley
Class Teacher
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Mrs Hayley Christopher
Class Teacher
Thursday, Friday
Mrs Nicola Wills
Teaching Assistant
- PE afternoon is Monday – please ensure your child comes into school in their PE kit and it is clearly labelled.
- Please can water bottles be clearly labelled and brought to school every day.
- Please label all clothing clearly.
- Homework – please read regularly with your child and record this in the reading records.
- Spellings this year will take a slightly different approach: Issued on Mondays and practised daily, every morning, in school. There will not be a formal weekly spelling test, but spellings will be assessed periodically to monitor their progress. Practising both the spellings and the handwriting as part of your homework will be beneficial, but is not obligatory.
Class 3 Spring 2025
This term we will continue to work hard to write a range of text types. The first half term we will be focussing on writing our own setting description, then moving onto poetry, where we will study ‘Jabberwocky’ which is also a focus for our Art this term.
Each week we will continue with our specific grammar, spelling, handwriting and reading skills sessions, and then moving into the second half of the term will focus on character descriptions and instructional writing. We always aim to make much of our writing cross curricular so we can continue to transfer skills learnt in English, to other curriculum areas.
As mentioned last term; we are taking a different approach with this year spellings: All spellings will be investigated and practised in school time and Years 3 and 4 will be having the same spellings as set out in the National Curriculum.
Class Novel- this term we will be reading ‘5 minute stories’ by Enid Blyton.
We will follow the White Rose Year 3/4 units for learning in this subject. In the Spring term we will be focussing on Multiplication and Division, Area, Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Mass and Capacity.
British History: During History this term we are going to spend time looking into the chronology of British History.
The United Kingdom: In this unit, children will learn about the key geographical characteristics of the United Kingdom. They will discover the different countries of the United Kingdom and the regions within England. Children will explore the human and physical features of the UK, including the types of settlements, key topographical features and how types of land use have changed over time. Children will use maps and atlases to explore the UK and their local region while learning to use a compass, four-figure grid references, keys and symbols.
During Science this term we will finish our unit on ‘Animals including humans’ which looks at the human digestive system and animal food chains. We will then move on to ‘States of Matter’ where will will look at the properties of solids, liquids and gases, hold investigations on evaporation and learn about the water cycle. Our final unit will be about ‘Sound’. This will include learning about how sound travels and what is inside your ear.
In Art this term we will be following a storytelling through drawing unit (linked to our English poetry), and then during the second half of the term move onto a Great British Bake Off themed DT unit.
We will follow a structured plan for both Year 3 and Year 4 from the SCARF units for PSHE. In the Spring term we will cover the unit ‘Keeping Safe’. We will then move onto ‘Rights and Responsibilities’. These themes will be revisited through our assemblies during the term also.
We are following a two-year programme of study from Curriculum Kernewek. During the Spring term Year 3 and 4 will be looking at A Christianity unit called ‘Incarnation’ where we will look in detail about the Holy Trinity and what this means for Christians. IN spring 2 we will look at ‘SALVATION’ and ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday?’
Our first unit is called ‘The very Greedy Dog’ and looks at various food in French. Our second unit will be family and friends where we will learn how to say different family members and continue our conversational skills.
We will start the term with a unit called Latin Dance where we will listen to different latin music, think about beats and rhythm and explore them through movements. We will then move onto a more classical piece called ‘The railway march’ from the Nutcracker. These unit are both taken from Sing Up and use lots of vocal warm ups and activities.
ICT will be used throughout all the other subject areas to enhance the children's understanding and for research purposes. Children will be encouraged to use ICT as a tool for furthering their understanding in other curriculum areas. Throughout the term there will be an emphasis on keeping ourselves safe online. In addition to this, we are following the ‘Digital Learning Cornwall’ units for Years 3 and 4. For Year 3’s we will be using the units ‘Connecting computers’ and then move onto ‘Animation.’ For Year 4 the units we will cover are ‘Data logging’ and ‘Photo editing’.
The first half term will have a sport focus on gym sequences, a fitness focus based on skipping, and a health focus called ‘you are what you eat’. The second half term will have a sport focus on striking and fielding, a fitness focus on gymfit circuits, and a health focus on ‘healthy bodies’. There will be opportunities for children to participate in extracurricular clubs and sporting events and festivals as part of our links with the Newquay Schools sports partnership.
This Year, PE will be on a Monday so children can come dressed appropriately in school PE kit on this day. There may of course, be additional days when the children may be required to wear a PE kit, which they will be clearly informed about.
Reading: This should be enjoyed at home on a daily basis. Reading independently, reading together and across a variety of genres are all beneficial as are audio books. Reading records are to be handed in on a Monday morning, checked by a class adult and then returned by Tuesday. Please look after your reading materials in a book bag or school bag, so that nothing is lost or misplaced.
Times tables facts:
Please practise these regularly as part of the weekly homework. Practise the tables that are found most difficult. This can be done with flashcards, chanting allowed together and on TTRS.
Year 4 multiplication test
As mentioned in parents evening in the Autumn term, Year 4’swill be undertaking a National times table check as requested by the government. To make them as prepared as possible, please keep practising the fluency and quick recall of all multiplication facts to 12 x 12.
Spellings: Issued on Mondays and practised daily, every morning, in school. There will not be a formal weekly spelling test, but spellings will be assessed periodically to monitor their progress. Practising both the spellings and the handwriting as part of your homework will be beneficial, but is not obligatory.
Occasionally additional homework may be sent home to reinforce or practise a concept in any subject area that has been covered in class.