Mrs Laura Olefhile
Class Teacher
Miss Leah Horrocks
Teaching Assistant
Class 2 consists of Year 1 and Year 2 children.
Our aim is to ensure that every child feels that they are part of a caring class. A class in which they feel confident enough to try new things without fear of failure. A class in which everybody has something to offer. Our aspiration is that the children in Class 2 will become self-motivated learners through a varied and exciting curriculum. Parents are always welcome in Class 2, whether to discuss their child's progress or to help on educational visits. We want Class 2 children to enjoy school and to look forward to the opportunities each new day offers.
Class 2 will have their PE lesson on a Thursday. On this day, children must wear their correct PE kits to school. There may of course, be additional days when the children may be required to wear a PE kit, which they will be clearly informed about.
PE kit:
- Black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- Green T-shirt with logo
- Trainers or plimsolls
- No earrings or jewellery
Please name all items of kit and school uniform.
Reading at home
This should be enjoyed on a daily basis. Reading independently, reading together and across a variety of genres are all beneficial, as are audio books. Please keep your reading materials in a book bag so that nothing is lost or misplaced. All children will read daily with their teaching staff during their phonics session.
English and SPaG
This term we will be using a Talk for Writing approach to explore different genres of writing including Narrative (Chicken Licken), Instructions (How to Make a Sickening Sandwich) and Diary Entries (Escape the Fire!)
Our Y1 children will be focusing on using ‘and’ to join ideas within a sentence. They will begin to use other punctuation such as exclamation and question marks. They will also use a full stop accurately. Y1 children will continue to embed the personal pronoun I, leaving spaces between words, using a capital letter at the start of a sentence and using capital letters for names.
Our Y2 children will be focusing on using expanded noun phrases to describe, expand and specify. They will learn to use subordination (when, if, that, because) and to use capital letters for the personal pronoun ‘I’ and most proper nouns. They will continue to embed making thoughtful and ambitious word choices, including specific or technical vocabulary used in non-narrative writing. The Y2 children will continue to focus on using full stops and capital letters mostly correctly. They will also use continue to use exclamation and question marks accurately to demarcate sentences.
Both year groups will be continuing our Read, Write Inc Programme.
Y1 Handwriting
Unit 11 Practising long-legged giraffe letters, one-armed robot letters and curly caterpillar letters
Unit 12 Practising zig-zag monster letters
Unit 13 Writing words with double zz
Unit 14 Mixing all the letter families
Unit 15 Practising all the capital letters
Unit 16 Practising all the numbers 0–9
Unit 17 Writing words with ck and qu
Unit 18 Practising long vowel phonemes: ai, igh, oo
Unit 19 Practising vowels with adjacent consonants: ee, oa, oo
Y2 Handwriting
Unit 11 Introducing diagonal join to anticlockwise letters: ea
Unit 12 Practising diagonal join to anticlockwise letters: igh
Unit 13 Practising diagonal join to anticlockwise letters: dg, ng
Unit 14 Introducing horizontal join to anticlockwise letters: oo, oa
Unit 15 Practising horizontal joins to anticlockwise letters: wa, wo
Unit 16 Introducing mixed joins for three letters: air, ear
Unit 17 Practising mixed joins for three letters: oor, our
Unit 18 Practising mixed joins for three letters: ing
Unit 19 Size and spacing
In Mathematics, Y1 will be focusing on Place Value (within 20), Addition & Subtraction (within 20), Place Value (within 50), Length & Height and Mass & Volume. Y2 will be learning about Money, Multiplication & Division, Length & Height, Mass and Capacity & Temperature.
In Science, both year groups will be focusing on Everyday Materials for the first half term. After half term, Y1 will focus on seasonal changes whilst Year 2 will focus on living things and their habitats.
Art and Design & Design Technology
This half term, we will be drawing and sketching as part of our ‘Spirals’ Art unit. Next half term, we will be baking olive bread in our Design Technology unit.
In Music, this term, Y1 will cover the units ‘Football’, ‘The sea: 'Dawn' from Sea Interludes’ and ‘Musical conversations’. Through these units they will learn about echo singing, composing word patterns, improvising and playing a percussion ostinato. Our Y1 children will begin to understand the difference between pitched patterns and rhythm patterns, higher and lower. They will listen to music inspired by the sea and will create their own simple graphic scores.
Y2 will cover the units ‘Grandma Rap’, ‘Orawa’ and ‘Trains’. Through these units they will explore beat and rhythm work using crotchets and quavers. Stick notation will be introduced and Y2 children will go on to create their own 4-beat patterns, which they will loop creating an accompaniment to perform a rap to. Borrowing ideas from a composer, Y2 children will invent new music using vocal chants and body percussion. They will listen to and analyse four great pieces of music. Then they will discover how composers use volume, speed, and rhythm in their music.
History and Geography
This term, in History, we will learn about The Great Fire of London in 1666. In Geography, we will compare our local area to Tulum in Mexico.
This term Y1 will learn about moving robots, animation and internet safety. Y2 will learn about robot algorithms, programming, making music and digital media.
This term we will explore the questions ‘Who is Muslim and how do they live?’ and ‘Why does Easter matter to Christians?’
During this half term we will focus on gymnastics, skipping, hygiene, medicine and exercise. In Spring 2, we will focus on ball skills, gym fit circuits, body protectors and body changes.
Our SCARF theme this half term is 'Keeping Myself Safe’. Next half term, our theme will be ‘Rights and Respect’.
• PE afternoon is Thursday – PE kits to be worn to school every Thursday.
• Please bring a clearly labelled water bottle to school every day.
• Please label all clothing.
• Please read at home daily and record this in your child’s reading record.
• Please send a warm and waterproof jacket/coat every day during this cold half term.
Open Door Policy We welcome your feedback on any aspect of your child’s time in Class 2. Please drop us an email via the office ( to raise any questions, queries or problems that you may have. We are excited about the term ahead with Class 2 and thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards, Mrs Olefhile and Miss Horrocks.