


Our intent for PE at Mawgan-in-Pydar is to provide:

  • High quality teaching and learning across the school in all sports and physical activities.
  • Children with a good understanding of health, hygiene and fitness and a desire to continually improve, creating lifelong participation habits and enhanced emotional wellbeing.
  • A range of extra-curricular activities and sports clubs which allow all pupils the opportunity to engage with sport and a desire to be physically active.
  • Sports competition for all levels and abilities in a safe and secure environment.


We use Rising Stars Champions to deliver a high quality and progressive scheme of work for Y1 – Y6.  It is a holistic approach to the teaching of PE, which improves fitness, develops skills and deepens knowledge of health and wellbeing.  This is a complete sports, health and fitness programme which fulfils the aims of the National Curriculum to ensure that all pupils:

  •          develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  •          are physically active for sustained periods of time
  •          engage in competitive sports and activities
  •          lead healthy, active lifestyles

Our school’s vision for PE is also achieved by working closely together in our MAT, providing opportunities for CPD and competition for our children.  In addition to this, we work closely with our local secondary schools as part of the Newquay Sports Network.  This link provides opportunities for all children to participate in competitive sports and fun festivals, which promote fitness, develop skills, and give all pupils an opportunity for fun and competition.


We take the relevant statements from the EYFS statutory framework as our focus for PE in the Early Years. During our PE lessons and throughout the school day, we develop the goals which are prerequisite skills for PE within the national curriculum. The most relevant statements for PE are taken from the following areas of learning:

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Physical Development

• Expressive Arts and Design

Mawgan-in-Pydar Primary School
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